Newsletter: Spring 2012 - Best of the Blog - First Quarter 2012

Here they are, the cream of the crop - the top five most popular posts from the always-engaging and frequently-updated Yellin Center Blog, from the first three months of 2012:
How Brains Respond to Reading
Recent neuroscience research suggests that reading fiction is more than just enjoyable; it can stimulate the brain in valuable ways and even positively affect a person’s behavior and social cognition.
"Redshirting" - Holding Back Younger Children
“In each instance," she noted, "it was the right decision. I don't think there is one right path, just what seems to be the right path at a given time for a particular child."
Mental Health Issues on College Campuses
All students and parents should be aware that college can be a stressful time for young people and should learn about the kinds services a prospective school offers to support the mental health of its students.
It's IEP Season Again
For students who receive special education services from their public schools, Spring is IEP (Individual Educational Program) season, the time when school districts focus on reviewing annual goals and progress and putting in place students' IEPs for the next school year.
Six Ways to Prompt Students to Think Critically About Text
Here are a few suggestions of concrete ways to prompt the student(s) in your life to look beyond the surface-level meaning as they think about a text.
Photo: Julie Rybarczyk/Flickr Creative Commons
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How Brains Respond to Reading
Recent neuroscience research suggests that reading fiction is more than just enjoyable; it can stimulate the brain in valuable ways and even positively affect a person’s behavior and social cognition.
"Redshirting" - Holding Back Younger Children
“In each instance," she noted, "it was the right decision. I don't think there is one right path, just what seems to be the right path at a given time for a particular child."
Mental Health Issues on College Campuses
All students and parents should be aware that college can be a stressful time for young people and should learn about the kinds services a prospective school offers to support the mental health of its students.
It's IEP Season Again
For students who receive special education services from their public schools, Spring is IEP (Individual Educational Program) season, the time when school districts focus on reviewing annual goals and progress and putting in place students' IEPs for the next school year.
Six Ways to Prompt Students to Think Critically About Text
Here are a few suggestions of concrete ways to prompt the student(s) in your life to look beyond the surface-level meaning as they think about a text.
Photo: Julie Rybarczyk/Flickr Creative Commons
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