FALL 2016
News from The Yellin CenterThe school year is well underway and Halloween is right around the corner. We’re not sure how time has flown by so quickly – maybe because we have been busy with so many interesting projects, in addition to our multidisciplinary learning assessments and support for students and families from the New York Metro area and throughout the country.
Get Help for Challenges with School We know that this is the time of year when teacher conferences and report cards can highlight academic challenges for students and raise concerns for parents. Often, a consultation with Dr. Yellin can help put your child’s experience in perspective. Contact us for more information. News and Activities The Yellin Center is moving forward with its work under a grant from the Sergei S. Zlinkoff Fund for Medical Research and Education to quantify how our work in the assessment and remediation of approximately 100 medical students has impacted these students’ success in their academic and professional lives. We have recruited an advisory board, hired researchers, and obtained institutional approval from the NYU School of Medicine to proceed with interviews and analysis. When completed, we hope this work will give medical educators a better understanding of how to help students manage their highly demanding academic environment. In September, Dr. Yellin gave his annual presentation to NYU’s first-year medical students on Strategies for Success in Medical School. Dr. Yellin has been on the Board of Directors of CAST since 2008 and now has taken on a new role as Treasurer and Chair of its Finance Committee. He is particularly proud of CAST’s continued success advancing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and UDL’s inclusion in the Every Student Succeeds Act, which replaces No Child Left Behind. In September, Dr. Yellin attended the International Mind, Brain, and Education Society Conference in Toronto, where he enjoyed the opportunity to learn from leading neuroscientists and educators from all parts of the globe. He is looking forward to new partnerships and collaborations growing out of his discussions with colleagues from different disciplines. You can read about some of the math research he encountered in this edition of our newsletter. Dr. Yellin continues his work as a member of the Understood Expert Community. He will be speaking on Understanding Math Issues as part of their Experts Live series at 1 p.m. on November 17. The Yellin Center is involved in an ongoing collaboration with the Haldane Central School District in Putnam County, NY, to assist them in embedding a process for supporting every student in understanding their learning profile, based on our Neurodevelopmental Framework for Learning. Throughout this academic year, we will be working with Haldane’s Superintendent Dr. Diana Bowers and her leadership team to introduce learning profiles to teachers and students and help the district develop a database of strategies and interventions. Dr. Yellin is also working with City School for the Arts, a NYC public charter school, providing training for classroom teachers and working with the school’s Student Support Team to help them address specific needs of students with unique learning challenges. He also recently returned to the Mustard Seed School in Hoboken, NJ, for a talk to parents on Memory and Learning. Dr. Yellin’s busy fall also included a presentation at the innovative Zoobiquity Neurology Psychiatry Conference at NYU School of Medicine, where he joined neurobiologists and psychologists speaking about Learning and Language Acquisition in Students, Songbirds, and Parrots. He continues his work with the Q.E.D. Foundation’s, Transformative Learning Collaborative Project (TLC) as part of a multi-year grant from the Bay and Paul Foundations. Other partners in the collaboration include the School Reform Initiative, School Project Foundation, and Eagle Rock Professional Development Center. |
Until recently, when it came to brain research, mathematics took a backseat to reading. If the number of sessions on math research at the International Mind, Brain, and Education (IMBES) Conference I attended in September is any indication, this situation is changing. This is a very welcome development in light of our increasing recognition that math difficulties are relatively common, while math competence correlates with several measures of long-term success. I overcame my own math anxiety and attended every math session that I could. So what are we learning from the latest research?
Seven Tips for FInding Your Child's Book NicheOne of the most common questions we get at The Yellin Center is “How do I get my child to enjoy reading?” Lots of kids grow up to become lovers of literature or graphic novels or biographies, while others get their thrills from sports, ceramics, or playing the clarinet. Whether or not you’re a natural book enthusiast, you undoubtedly know that reading plays an incredibly important role not just in helping us succeed academically, but in broadening our perspectives and giving our imaginations a turbo boost. Helping kids find their book niche is crucial to leading students towards a love of reading.